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Use your wings

I can see the sun in a raindrop
I can see light in dark
I know we can find hope for you
You are burned into those walls
Everytime you\'re thinking of the bad time you had,
it feels like you\'ve been smashed more than twice
Trying to find the best pills
You\'re feeling weak, you\'re feeling sad
Scars will always be a memory
but you can stop bleed
you can stop cry
Stop write the suicide-notes
Lay them down
You\'re not hopeless or useless
I know you have wings
Save yourself, try to make nightmare
to a fairytale-dream
Take your wings, and learn o fly
It will be OK, I promise you
I do everything for you

Fri vers av Halloway
Läst 409 gånger
Publicerad 2006-05-31 19:16

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