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Heartbeat Furnace

A furnace of heartbeats
I am melting
I'm the solid form you're smelting
I take new shapes
In your gaze
In the fumes of the furnace's haze
Ashen souls into gold
Your touch is turning
I'm bursting into flames
I am burning
As I flow into molds brimfilled with yearning
Your hands are molding tools
I am become your darksteel daedric jewel
A blood red Phoenix reforged beyond rules
I see the light I feel the heat
You bring all darkness to defeat
And still I lay in ley lines way
Of lifeforce love in eleatic fray
In aetherian ardor remade

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Linnea Risinger
Läst 318 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-01-31 00:25

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Linnea Risinger
Linnea Risinger