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Some smiles are warm

Some smiles are warm
some smiles are burning
some give hearts a lesson learning
what empty arms
and longing lips are yearning
some see your eyes beaming
lit by a thousand smiles gleaming
while the world is turning
around and upside down
there are not frowns
in those glistening eyes
there is a fire in the sky
beyond disguise
a touch makes heartbeats fly
a look makes souls rise
shook like the first sunrise
in lovers eyes
you make every moment worthwhile
while the world's worth
I know
is found in your eyes

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Linnea Risinger
Läst 340 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-04-08 19:54

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Linnea Risinger
Linnea Risinger