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Before the war

there you were in the flesh, my love
Just to dress my naked thoughts.
moon was hiding behind the sunset
that evening.
The light silk smile of yours faded once tears were touching your lips.

During the war
There was nothing but pitch dark sky
only a few stars changed the tide. Blood was rinsed with wine.
Words inside echoed. Poems.
my only , of eventually you in my arms

After the war
once i stood, i felt the wind, the trees and the ground.
There you were, in the flesh, with piercing eyes, and that silk smile.
this very moment, to undress the thoughts with you.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Julio VIP
Läst 532 gånger och applåderad av 28 personer
Publicerad 2018-05-05 18:54

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  Blått Norrsken VIP
Starkt och dramatiskt men ändå i en lätthet i ett accepterande . Snyggt!!!

  the wildcat VIP
riktigt fint och spänningen i relationen som kännbar fog.

Mycket fint skrivet!

    Peter Söderqvist
Kriget ger en spännande bakgrund till en relation. Fint diktat.

En poesi som borrar sej in mot hjärtedjupet,

    ej medlem längre
Poesi som går under huden. Mycket fint.
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Julio VIP