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Let’s ride

I got a real Bonnie and clyde
At my side
So i started to write
Looking for ways to smite
Sick minds with my spite
Not trying to be polite
But not looking to fight
I want to enjoy my nights
Just me and my vice
A bowl of dry rice
While im trying to rise
Past my anger and despise
Trying to memorize
Empty phrases swollen eyes
So tired of goodbyes
Of unnecessary lies
Of how fast time flies
Nobody looking back cuz everybody dies
So its time to realize
That the truest tear dries
Move past your anguished cries
Swallow your foolish pride
Create your destiny, dont need a guide
Just dont lose sight
Of your inner light
And you others can ignite
fight for your rights
Reach for new heights
Have fun before your demise
But never ever apologize
For the brief moments you’re alive

Bunden vers (Rim) av Bakom ridån
Läst 342 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-05-31 13:16

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