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In my room

The pills doesn\'t help
The hole inside me screams
There\'s a loneliness, painfull loneliness
Can\'t escape, I\'m captured and
there\'s no return, it\'s too late

I\'m pounding on the walls,
no one hear and no one care
I wonder, are anyone there?
I wonder, why am I here?

It\'s empty, the loneliness kills
It\'s painfull, I\'m shaking everytime I take the pills
I\'m laying on the floor,
looking at the roof,
notice a door, but if I wake up it\'s gone
Nothing there, just this empty place

My heartbeat\'s slaming against these walls
How it beat I don\'t know
Can\'t figure out, I\'m stupid and
frozen cold

Fri vers av Halloway
Läst 392 gånger
Publicerad 2006-06-08 18:15

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