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I want you here

I want you here
here in my arms, hands, fingers
your meatsuit
the steel and girders of your soul
I want your hands
tracing the contours
of my body, my scars
I want your words, your voice, your laughter
between my walls and my lips
I hate this distance
this of you not being here
pressed up against me
I miss you
I´ve missed you for years
missed your body while having your words
but without your voice shaping them
something is lacking
I want you here
not later, not soon
my hands miss your hair
your skin

You exist in my phone
a silver cord to you
through space and atoms
with your skin, blood and warmth far away

Exist here
let me touch you
with my hands in your hair

Fri vers (Fri form) av Patrik Orion Sten
Läst 183 gånger
Publicerad 2019-08-12 17:26

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Patrik Orion Sten
Patrik Orion Sten