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If I told you the truth

would you listen

if tears ran from my mind
to make its way through the shell
would you sweep it with your hand

if you saw my naked body again,
would you be willing
to embrace the emotions within

if the scars were observed before
would you cover them
with your presence now

if my soul manifested
in front of you

would you stand

or would you choose
to walk your way

Fri vers (Fri form) av Julio VIP
Läst 343 gånger och applåderad av 17 personer
Publicerad 2020-02-26 12:37

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  soligajag_1 VIP
This is really love ! My heart will go on and on.
What emotion this come to feel on my body. So deeply and carefully .

  Filosofen 2
Love, love, love.

When love speake you come to see it
Everybody walk around with scare in the soul

  Rise Little One
What a lovely and sensitive poem from your poetic soul!
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Julio VIP