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Night thoughts

I am not enough

I am not enough

Knee deep in water
Choking on this stuff - this air
What is this life
What are we doing here?

What am I even not enough for?
Push and pull
But why even open this door?

Always miles away from some kind of truth
Stop wasting they said, stop wasting your youth

But what does that even mean?
When nothing is what it is seems in the seams
We’re all sowing on patterns that haven’t been sown before
Pretending there’s something there that might not be there anymore

So I think it is time to press pause
Don’t want to treat my life like it’s high-class
Let’s face it, that’s the type of life someone like me can’t afford
My life’s more the kind rich people buy when they’re bored

So what is the point of not being enough?
We all know this life can be tough

So why turn my biggest ally against myself?
Putting those societal thoughts behind the garbage shoes on that hard-to-reach shelf
Let me figure this out
By my damn self

Bunden vers (Rim) av Litage
Läst 186 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2020-03-21 01:44

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  Lars Hedlin
Stark text som känns och berör!

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
No one is enough. That's why we need Jesus.
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