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det finns bra kärlek och det finns ermh fel kärlek :P

Love is so many things

Love is so many things
Some people say
Oh I could die for you
That’s how much I love you

Other says
Forgive me one more time
I love you so much that’s why
I make all these mistakes

Other might say
Oh I love your looks
I love that sexy ass of yours
And when you ask about your personality
They answer with a strange look on their face
Well you are very nice

People got such strange thoughts on
What is love?
I wonder if some people just say
I love you so much
So they aren\'t alone
Maybe they are weak
Afraid to stand on their on legs

I say love is
To feel sweet and wonderful
And care what the person thinks and says
To care bout the one you love
To miss that person when he or she is away
To be able to get angry at that person
And then be able to say sorry

I say that is what love is
But that might not be what you think
What do you think love is?

Fri vers av Psygirl-or not
Läst 418 gånger
Publicerad 2006-07-09 17:16

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väldigt vackert och talangfult. Väldigt bra.
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Psygirl-or not