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I'm filling leaking containers
with years
I had not presumed;
fractured days
I'd just as soon left closed

but for the moment
a bag of heated rice
allows for something
close to comfort,

and John Bauldie's
forty years in coming
into Nobel laureate Dylan
as the young artist
flies the exquisite my way

Night rises
across its midst,
hauling me sleeplessly
into my seventy-second round

I'm mindful of all that isn't
in all that is,
in a totemy mimicry of better days,
in this late me,
the swell of what's to come
rising inside,
the moon an indifferent spectator
as this self runs its course,
into the hum
of fridge and freezer

Gunwald the Cat
so close to my face
he looks huge
like a towering A1 Abrams tank

is the restless shiver
of dawn
on a freezing morn

I can hear it squeak
its rheumatic joints
behind the day
as familiar faces slowly sink
into oblivion
at the outer perimeter
of awareness

It's birthdie!

I feel the ripples
of out-of-body sensations
hurrying down my skin
panicky scouting all atoms
for an all-directional migration;
a reusable supply of elements

Life is inevitable
It comes as a surprise

is a silent journey
beneath a Viking stone ship

It's all there, in your birthdie!

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 96 gånger
Publicerad 2021-02-13 09:36

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Ingvar Loco Nordin
Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP