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No More; Sometimes; Always

Death is a high-risk venture;
why not leave it at that?
Life is just an indenture,
and rabbits out of a hat

Stay where you go,
go where you are;
sing hi hoe!
Near is far

Death isn't really what matters;
neither is your poor life
Cling to whatever shatters,
and cut through it with you knife

Stay where you go,
go where you are;
sing hi hoe!
Near is far

NO MORE is just like forever,
SOMETIMES is a long timber road;
ALWAYS ends up in silence and never;
find your burden and pick up your load!

Stay where you go,
go where you are;
sing hi hoe!
Near is far

Your shape is gone stray in the wild;
your future is wound 'round your head;
your ka an Egyptian child
who wakes up in your mummy's bed

Stay where you go,
go where you are;
sing hi hoe!
Near is far

Bunden vers (Rim) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 109 gånger
Publicerad 2021-04-27 20:16

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Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP