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Untalented, Presumptuous Bitch

Tonight I dreamed that I had sex
with a high-ranking police chief
with a stubby build

She used to be a young officer
in a canoe
on a team-building outing
on the lakes

We slept in a big military tent
and she inched up close to me
in her sleeping bag
Her investigator husband
wasn't part of our group

He and her had come from the capital

She immediately swung around
towards me,
by then a civilian radio operator
at the police station
She sat down opposite me
in the communications room,
sticking her knees in between mine
She was feverish but unappealing,
and I didn't need any trouble
with her hubby;
a noble and straight-forward officer

She must have been ferociously horny,
on the brink of insanity

Some years later
she sneaked up behind me
in the lunch room
and grabbed my ass
without warning,
quite firmly
out of her uniform,
explaining under her breath
that she couldn't help herself,
risking a possible detrimental
but I felt somewhat flattered,
who wouldn't!

A decade later, divorced,
she came back from a sejour
appointed the Chief of Police
in our district
Didn't take long
before she came into my room,
closed the door and hugged me

She's grown old since then,
as one of the major police chiefs
of Sweden,
her shoulders struggling
under all that gold,
an old lady with a fatso apparition

I met her this past summer
in the town square

Maybe I should mount her once,
from behind,
having her groan like a pig
in the sty,
that untalented, presumptuous bitch

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 107 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-09-08 10:51

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