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[to the memory of R. D. Laing]

Sometimes 1 - 3


when I can't keep up
with myself,

when I grow weary
of my demands
on myself,

when I get so tired
of tiring
of myself,

when I can't stop
this feeling
of not reaching my own standards,

when I find my hand
reaching for the pencil
or my technical biking clothes
or some sound editing tools

I turn off
by turning on
some Bach keyboard works

Sometimes it works


The 6 Partitas BWV 825 – 830
with Glenn Gould,
recorded in New York City 1959


when I can't keep up
with myself,

when I grow weary
of my demands
on myself,

when I get so tired
of tiring
of myself,

when I can't stop
this feeling
of not reaching my own standards,

when I find my hand
reaching for the pencil
or my technical biking clothes
or some sound editing tools

I turn off
by reading some Chögyam Trungpa

Sometimes it works


Three Aspects of Sitting Practice
from The Path of Individual Liberation


when I can't keep up
with myself,

when I grow weary
of my demands
on myself,

when I get so tired
of tiring
of myself,

when I can't stop
this feeling
of not reaching my own standards,

when I find my hand
reaching for the pencil
or my technical biking clothes
or some sound editing tools

I turn off
by following suit,
giving in,
letting the urges get the best
of me

It always works...


See myself not keeping up with myself
See myself grow weary of my demands on myself
See myself getting tired of tiring of myself
See myself getting this feeling of not reaching my own standards
See my hand automatically reaching for the pencil or my technical biking clothes or some sound editing tools

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 84 gånger
Publicerad 2022-04-16 10:20

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