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Aum. Ha. Current mood: Aum. Ha. The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. suddenly you like the thought of being naken och sjunga the Word Abrahadabra

AUM. Ha Abrahadabra. eller liknande.

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What if aliens visited earth? What would they think?

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e 75. The ending of the words i
75. The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. suddenly you like the thought of being naken och sjunga the Word Abrahadabra.

69. There is success. Aum. Ha.

5. Poker is an inquiry into the structure of power. The goal of poker is sustainable increases in money. Money is power. The structure of poker is betting with incomplete information. Poker includes playing on emotions and social motivators usually discounted in other inquiries into power or disciplines.

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7. The Finnegans are waking.

13. det är skönt när dom slutar att skjuta på varandra ibland.

Övriga genrer av stockhausen
Läst 446 gånger
Publicerad 2006-08-02 23:42

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