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They Play Bob Dylan's Tombstone Blues Forever

Perhaps I did ask for this,
demanded a try,
beg for a part?

Hod did I formulate this request?

Who was I when I wasn't?

Imagine the “un”
before everything about me!

That's where I was(n't);
a tiny likness of the Big Bang;
a world
out of a masterly nothingness;
a singularity,
not less than nothing,
but precisely nothing, balancing
like a high-hat
in a drumset,
just after (Charlie Watts),
about to (Ken Buttrey),
but empty,
'round a “yet”;
a thought
that hasn't thought itself,
already an afterthought, stuck,
in a slot waiting
for an airplane to take advantage
and accelerate down the runway

Before anything is forgotten,
they play Bob Dylan's Tombstone Blues
while Marc Beaumont is seen
circling the globe
on his custom Koga bicycle,
that the tumble weeds of West Texas
thudding across the highway
are curled-up thoughts
that nothing came of;
carcasses of the unborn

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 106 gånger
Publicerad 2023-01-14 09:37

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Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP