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Benign Flooring I - III


Build a parquet floor
across the Atlantic Ocean,
high enough above sea level
that ships can sail
with comfortable headrooms

Open circular holes, miles in width,
making viable evaporation
as well as wide pillars of light
down into the vast Atlantic room

Give the concept of migration a new elucidation!

Easily take a bike ride from Brittany to New Hampshire,
or get on your roller skis from London to Providence

Light airplanes can, with ease, bring hermits far out
unto desolate spots on the parquet

Indeed, take the parquet to New York!!!


Construct a network of light, scaffold-
or suspension-bridge-like combinations
of narrow planks
at the level 60 – 70 inches above the floor
around all rooms, halls and kitchens,
for the cats,
to facilitate communication at eye level
with our felician friends,
minimizing the risk of neck problems
for them, always looking up at us
from below

Small ledges for food- and water bowls
may be attached in various places
in the pleasantly complex jumble!

Let you faces shine over each other!


Make a radical investment
for the benefit of public health's muscle groups
and balance organs
by introducing incalculably flexing sidewalks,
with the intent to enable the health promoting qualities
of rocky mountain paths

Divide the pavements into segments,
circa 8 x 8 or 12 x 12 inches,
which, according to algorithms,
are slowly raised, sunk and tilted,
through continually changing schedules,
so that each and every one
- even those who take the same walk each day -
always encounter a new, uneven ground to tread

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 59 gånger
Publicerad 2023-03-19 11:03

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Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP