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The Ongoing Process

When three heavily unexpected occurrences appear
on 15th April,
I listen, move cautiously and observe,
because life, world, knocks:

I hit a big, white dog with the car
on my way to the country store;
one of my skis break out on a long ride;
Anna suddenly, incautiously, out of character,
tears the door to the toilet open when I sit there

I'm very much aware of my privileged position
at age 74,
easily climbing my skis sideways up steep Claw Mountain
on crusty snow as hard as steel,
while friends my age don't dare climb up a steep staircase
in the country house;
friends who look forward to the next glass of red wine
and a questionable meal,
while I repair my mountain bikes
and study sports magazines for new cross-country skis...

- so when the unexpected stares me in the face trice
on 15th April,
I stop in my tracks, listen, reflect

Everything connects;
the unconscious and the Cosmos
share their information openly
in language that may materialise
as a big white dog, a ski cracking
or a door opening in your face
while you're having an afternoon shit

Cosmos and myself are interconnected revelations
of a common flow; the ongoing process THIS
- and that established, I sip some black coffee
and return to enjoying a woodpecker's spring percussion
outside in the pine grove

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 111 gånger
Publicerad 2023-04-17 09:22

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Ingvar Loco Nordin
Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP