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Kul att va tillbaks. Börjar med nåt lättsmält. Kaffe. Tack till Ingelsrud Konditori i Magnor för inspiration!

Coffee Queen

Arose, she did
from cookie trays
with tats and swirls
of burly hair,
and pouty lips
that said,
just wait a tad
I'll be your
coffee queen,
I’ll cook your milk
with steam,
I’ll whip your cream
and when I come
to bring my cup
it’s surely hot
and well filled up,
that’s when you’ll hear
that sizzling sound,
and then I’ll be
the sweetest bean
that ever tickled your lip,
please do have a sip,
it’s smooth
it’s round
for you,
it’s freshly ground

Bunden vers (Rim) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 104 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2023-09-14 08:33

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