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Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life


We live in these different societies
Everyone is not the same
Some better then others
I really like mine
Can't live anywhere else
I have much family here
And this great apartment
That I have
It's a so called LSS-accommodation
It does mean I have help when needed
At any time
The people is great also
Not so many mean people
In my experience
Where I work is great as well
They treat me well
As I do them
It's a nice society I have here
It's not that much crime
It's a great place to be
Whit many nice peoples

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 24 gånger
Publicerad 2024-05-08 12:49

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Tommi Perkiö
Tommi Perkiö VIP