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Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life


We all have dreams
When we are asleep
Bad and good ones
It does happen sometimes that one wakes up screaming from the bad
But it's rare that one remember these
Which is good I think
When we are awake we have our own dreams
Something one would like to do
Something one dream about doing
Could be anything
One can dream big
How big is the question
There is no limit though
Aim for it and you could accomplish it
Do your best and they can come true
It could be many things also
The sky is the limit really
They are not the same either
From time to time
They can change
All of the time

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 23 gånger
Publicerad 2024-05-20 14:46

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Tommi Perkiö
Tommi Perkiö VIP