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Song Of Raven

She sit upp there, high over the little lake.
In the middle of the dark wood.
Still up, still on her watch an fully awake.
In her glittering eye you can see what you should.

Its not a bird, this raven you see.
No its a spirit from past,
a spirit from the future a long way to be

Not many people care to look above
Maybe scare of what the know of love

You know, to open up your mind and feel
Could make some differens and make a deal
If you only listen to the song Of Ravenbird
You will remember and make you heard

To the lostminded people on earth
Needed to think of why we give birth,
to our children we love so much
This little people we love to tuch

They are going to rule our world tomorrow
So stop bringing them all of this sorrow
Walk in to the woods and search the place
there you can look in the black ravens face

Look in her eye and sink in to thougts
find your own memory that she to you broughts
I promise you relief and something else strong
A voice loud enough for a fighting for belong!

Fri vers av MuninWolflady
Läst 243 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-02 13:54

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