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Butt-ugly, bald-headed fatso

Hey boy!
I\'m the butt-ugly, bald-headed fatso, n\' I\'m comin\' to get you
I\'ll be your worst nightmare times ten, with four-bladed gloves and a stetson. this one you cant wake up from- soaked in sweat, tryin\' to choke your sheets
I\'ll make you weep like a schoolboy, and run hom to your mama\'s- only she\'s not \'round, she slit her throut when she saw what you\'ve become
You cunt, tryin to tear others down to become more of a man- well, I\'m no man, I\'m a superman, superior, and you\'re the inferior
I dont have time or patiance to tear you down, gonna wipe you of the face of this earth, I\'ll be Enola Gay and you\'ll be my Hiroshima

Hey boy!
I\'m the butt-ugly, bald-headed fatso, bringin\' the new breed of macho
Dont fuck \'round with me, n\' dont make me tell you twice- \'cause the second time I\'ll say it in slugs,
I\'m like a Catterpillar and yuo\'re a Fiesta- I\'ll chrush you without even knowing
You punk\'-ass, pussy-chasing,whining n\' bitchin\' little girlie-man
I\'ve got tousand times your levels of T- I am more of a man than you\'ll ever be

Hey boy!
Im the butt-ugly, bald-headed fatso, n\' I dont hate you
but I dispies you, like a cock-roach under my sho, I dont give a fuck \'bout you
I\'ll smack you \'round like a bitch, only I dont smack bitches \'round, nor fags- never seen the point innit
but I\'ll smack you \'round just for the fun of it, and when I\'m done, I\'ll sodomise you with the barrel of my \'357
think youre goin to heaven? guess again, boy!

Hey boy!
I\'m the butt-ugly, bald-headed fatso, I\'m waiting for you
You lyin\', disrespectful, dispicable excuse of a man, treading on others like they\'re your stairway to heaven- I\'ll make it an escalator to hell
And when you reach bottom floor, I\'ll be there to greet you- with horns and a tail, son of satan- hell no, I\'m much worse than that
Dont you think i\'ve got the balls for it? Fuck you, I\'m nothing but balls, they hang down to my knees and I cant walk
swingin the sword like conan and the dumbbels like coleman- I\'ll show you who\'s the better man

Övriga genrer av Wodan
Läst 434 gånger
Publicerad 2006-10-08 19:29

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Well, hell, we can start with spelling, and not Tori, but your letters. Sit the fuck down and listen to your betters. You´re still in chains but I broke my fetters, you´re the beggar and I´m the go-getter that will never settle! You're the pot calling the kettle, but are you black? I doubt it, so drop the bullshit and get out of the closet, yeah that´s right let it all out like a faucet set on stream, you need to practice to be on my team, so far you can only dream.

Who´s the boy now, you toy? Are you feeling coy? Can you find joy in resistance or are you hesistant to listen and learn? You better get with it, step up or you'll burn with the rest of the losers, turn on a spit when the devil chooses. I'm your salvation, so fuck, feel elation that I take the time to rhyme you down, you came to my town and turf and thought you could surf but hey Boy! My storm has waves above the norm and you´re gone, undertow got you. And the rest? Heh, they just forgot you.
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