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En sång till mina systrar Elin och Matilda...

Eileen and Mary

Eileen and Mary,
sisters forever...
Mmm... you better hurry,
life ain\'t forever...

...So, find your path through life,
say; \"Carpe Diem!\"
and, you have found love,
so just say;\"Carpe diem!\"

Eileen and Mary,
sisters forever...
Mmm... take your time,
love doesn\'t stress it...

...So, find your path through life,
say; \"Carpe Diem!\"
and, you have found love,
so say;\"Carpe diem!\"

Fri vers av Henrik Svensson
Läst 301 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-11 13:28

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Henrik Svensson
Henrik Svensson