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I have had the thoughts,
for a long time...
I have had the thoughts,
to long of a time...
It is growing in me,
all of the shame...
It\'s been buildin in me,
all of the shame...

...feel I can\'t take it...
...to many hardships...
...feel I can\'t take it...
...s\' many years hiding...

I sit in my comfy chair,
In that corner of my mind,
For I feel not so well,
thinking of dying...
For I feel not so well,
I sit here crying...

...feel I can\'t take it...
...to many hardships...
...feel I can\'t take it...
...s\' many years hiding...

Fri vers av Henrik Svensson
Läst 274 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-11 13:49

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Henrik Svensson
Henrik Svensson