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In the years that\'ve passed,
the sunken Blücher,
exploded in my mind...
In the years that\'ve passed,
the sunken Blücher,
exploded in my mind...

Nightmares of
the third reich...
Nightmares of
the third reich...
...have always scared me...
...have always scared me...

\"In the east lay new land,
for the Aryans!
Conquer that!\"
\"In the east lay new land,
for the Aryans!
Conquer that!\"

Nightmares of
the third reich...
Nightmares of
the third reich...
...have always scared me...
...have always scared me...

Fri vers av Henrik Svensson
Läst 304 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-11 14:07

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Henrik Svensson
Henrik Svensson