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Shades of Sorrow


Even tears form a shadow when they fall,
the drops you feel on me are my pain liquefied.
I gave you everything you felt nothing at all,
I'm just reflections of the feelings you denied.

Before my eyes i see shadows of my mind,
I looked for you, you looked for another kind.
Not ME, I'm just a shadow.


Shades of sorrow
Shades of sorrow... aren't always grey.
I longed for love, you just took another pray.
Shades of sorrow may be the red from the anger you gave,
or sorrow for the life you couldn't save.
Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow.




When sadness is hidden in a smile,
a face fills with false intentions.
No caress from you could ever reconsile,
the lie brought me down, to new dimensions.

For sure the sky is darkend when you show,
I looked at you, but you looked for a mark for your blow.
It was ME, in a place of shadows.

Shades of sorrow
Shades of sorrow... aren't always grey.
I longed for love, you just took another pray.
Shades of sorrow make my eyes turn blue,
hat hidden laughter was not even true.
Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow.




Why is there no answer when i call,
this loud silence eats me inside out.
Ignored and hated i cannot stand tall,
nothingness is the hardest strike i wanna shout.

The irony of beeing left alone when you ask for it,
is the emptyness it brings, the lonely bit,
of ME, a heart of shadows.

Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow... aren't always grey.
I longed for love, you just took another pray.
Shades of sorrow like the yellow coward you are,
hiding the dispare you felt so far.
Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow.




My face is pale I dont recognize myself,
left behind in the final trip to serenity.
Whats left to do but to put my feelings on that shelf,
missing the one, loosing the fight for eternity.

When you disappeared from me i lost my mind,
a part of my heart is shattered, i wanna rewind,
ME out of the shadows.

Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow... aren't always grey.
I longed for love, you just took another pray.
Shades of sorrow sometimes lacks a color to tell,
grief from mourning, the sorrows spell.
Shades of sorrow,
Shades of sorrow.



Övriga genrer av [ShadowWalker]
Läst 691 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-01-29 15:17

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  Sanningsägaren VIP
Nu flyter den ännu bättre! :)

En här låttexten är riktigt bra! Det skulle vara kul att höra musiken också.
Jag tycker bäst om detta stycke:

\"I looked for you, you looked for another kind.
Not ME, I\'m just a shadow.\"

Verkligen en sorgligt vacker dikt, jag hoppas att de blir en hit :)

Bitterljuv känsla.....

Själagråt...klump i magen....

Grammatiknörden vill bara säga att det heter inte \"gived\", det heter gave. Sorry att jag blev tvungen att sabba ett rim.
Sen fanns det några stavfel också, som jag inte minns i skrivande stund.
Annars flyter den här texten mycket mycket bättre än den svenska, och känns även ärligare och mer sårbar. Dessutom leker du mer med färgreferenserna i refrängerna här, vilket jag uppskattar.
Skulle vara kul att höra melodin.

  Lilla Mo
Brrr... Ruggit bra! Jag får gåshud!
Du har verkligen satt ord på känslorna.
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