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För jag vill ha sommar, NU!

Midsummer dream.

If I had to chose a holiday, just one. I would chose the swedish holiday; Midsommar (=Midsummer Day)

It’s about the 24th of june.

And it’s absoluty lovely.

Happy people dancing around the midsummer pole, singing songs and laughing.
You run around bare foot in the grass and pick flowers to make a wreath, a flowery crown on our head.

I love to feel the breeze that brings all the smell of the summer night. To hear the cricket sing in the bright night sky. You know, I doesn’t really get dark when it’s summer in sweden.


and after the dance you sit down by a long table, and eat new picked potato, herring, meatballs, small sausages and most inportant; the strawberrys whit wiped cream. No midsummer without it.

The laughters gets louder after a wile, the drams don’t get by unnoticable. The the sweet scent of flowers mingles whit the songs, creating a lovable night.

Oh, I’m longing...

Fri vers av Sofiapoema
Läst 187 gånger
Publicerad 2007-03-03 23:18

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  Rune Thorsell
Hallo Sweet Sophie!!

Takes all kind of people to make a world. We have a friend in Hampshire UK. Took him to watch the midsummer dancing but he didn´t like it at all.

I have a personal memory. Midsummer 1961. I (piano) and Géza (double bass) were employed at the hotel to entertain the visitors. As it was impossible to carry the grand piano outdoors, they asked for someone to play accordeon. I can´t play accordeon. But in some way they managed to borrow one. In a hurry I localized the keys for C, F and G7 and could successfully execute \"Small frogs\" and some other tunes. My debute as an accordeonist and simultaneously my farewell performance.

The best with midsummer is that they fire no crackers.

Hugs! Yours Rune T.
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