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dedicated to summer, the killer of wondrous spring and the jewel-encrusted path to the beauty of autumn...

soft pavement, fluffy razors

There\'s something ominous in the air

like a cricket could spoil the moment

or a gust of wind in the wrong direction

could kill with playful ease

There\'s something not right

like a dream all in dark, tarry black

with the word white flashing

and millions of knives cutting through

There\'s something powerful at play

like a cold eye\'s tearful goodbye to itself

or a sun\'s sudden explosion not making an impact

There\'s something undefined

an unknown influence that guides

and distorts the view of what\'s seen

There\'s something devious

something beautiful


true at heart

a liar\'s faint promise of good days coming

There\'s something terribly wrong

and it feels bleak and dead and so very right

a perfect continuation of today

I welcome you, pale summer

pale crack in pale world

fiery light in the sky

you make my head feel pounding music

cracks my scull ever so slightly

I thank thee for arriving

and wish thee a swift farewell

Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 279 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-04-14 20:57

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen