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A good day?

my paradise

it\'s not much... just a little dream
no religious bullshit... no heaven/hell-crap...
just a tiny little picture of perfection

it has to be green... a little blue and somewhat white
with a contrast of beautiful black
a dark, starry night
a glowing moon watching over

it has to be water around tho... now, it doesn\'t have to be hot...
it doesn\'t have to be summer.. it just can\'t be winter

moist grass and my foot feeling the sweet, tender feel
maybe a hand holding another hand
swinging on a tire-swing
closed eyes... sleeping in the grass
a setting sun
a star-lit night

I can see perfection in my inner-eye
the true opposite of good and/or bad

this, my paradise... me in it...
it\'s a fool\'s dream
and everyday flow with ease
as everyday leads up to things like this
a dream told in words or a cup of coffee with a friend

falling asleep on the balcony
under a dying moon

drunk or sober... life can be anything
even really, really bad
and that might even be better than good

Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-04-25 20:39

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen