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Who are you to remind me...

you remind me of a clear blue morning in the middle of the night...
as much sense as a lone ray of sunlight in the darkest dark...
as my head smash my pillow and time start to grow slow

you remind me of an everlasting division between here and now
between the in-betweens, inside the gap spread out within the unknown

the things you remind me of I\'ve never seen
the moments you place in me I\'ve never known
before you they didn\'t exist in me

minutes were minutes and little else
minutes now remind me of a little laugh I heard in the back of your throat

you remind me of why time never hide it\'s offensive stare
as tomorrow\'s yesterday grow into a long gone forgotten

you remind me of things and dreams and situations
of moments and events and times passed and not yet passed

you remind me of all these things and more
but I can\'t quite correlate your face to a name

who are you to remind me of so many details I shouldn\'t know
and why are you always screaming at me to let you go


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 569 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-05-19 00:26

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\"you remind me of why time
never hide it\'s offensive stare
as tomorrow\'s yesterday grow
into a long gone forgotten\"
makalöst bra!
vilken vacker dikt
ordflytet såklart
sorgset slut...
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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen