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We\'ll See Eternity Together

Close your eyes and take a deep breath
Do you notice that?
That exquisite scent tickling your senses?
It’s happiness.
Close your eyes
And I will take you to realities
You’ve never been to before
If only you trust me
Trust me

Lie down upon the grass and smile with me
The lush blades whisper of summers past
And forgotten times.
Do you see that?
The smooth, velvet blood
As I bleed myself dry for you
Anything for you
Barely spoken
But heard nonetheless
Anything, everything

Take my hand, entwine our fingers
I will count the petals with you
Loves me, loves me not
(And the stars too, never forget the stars)
We’ll gaze into the telescope
Look beyond the beach and the sea
And the faint outlines of the isles
And we’ll see eternity
You and I
Will pluck the last velveteen petal
And breathe
Loves me

Fri vers av Lise-Marie
Läst 364 gånger
Publicerad 2007-05-28 20:53

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