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slightly over the top maybe...

breeding insanity...

the world is slowly grinding down to a halt
everywhere you turn there is no motion
no subtle explosion of fluidity

in your shielded eyes, it's breaking up
in your filthy smile, it's dying down...

you are the forged core of yourself
your guilt is aflame with anger
flinching eyes and flailing arms
alone, in your tiny room
in your miniature bed
you are a blank piece of a discarded puzzle
the last crumb in the breadbox
the only one left smiling

and it's falling apart

and it's caving in

the roof is sliding from left to right
and back again with full force
the walls are grinning in your gaze
they're coming in... closing in...
squishing your unused body against each other

and the air is always cold in your nose
and the tiny barred window agape like a wailing mouth

and the walls are covered with lies
dreams of words coated in tar
and plastered against every surface around

you don't want to see no more
the eyelid's are slammed so tight they're wheezing
you don't want to breathe a single breath
closed eyes, bolted lips
tied to a bedpost by your own hands

there are screams running rampant on your skin
can't cut it off... can't cut it off...

hope against hope
will against will
trust against trust
any day now... any day now I will break lose

I'm never looking back...


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 169 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-04 20:46

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen