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The will to do anything, the will to do nothing.
The will to make a difference, the will to run away.
The will to live, the will to die.

Iron will is the will to get.
Everything is easy and all resistance is useless.
At least until the will fades away and you become the useless little
creature you\'ve always been. Everything was a dream.

Get your will. Use your will. Make your will heard to the unwilling.

Fri vers av TheThinLine
Läst 264 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-06-06 21:30

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\"At least until the will fades away and you become the useless little creature\" gillade jag bäst. Mycket braa. du kan uttrycka dig när du skriver på engelska, men det vet vi ju redan. :)
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