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Lovely lossy love's lost lover...

I'd like to say...
these futile things to you
these useless words of impure thought
parsed through a crude mesh of feelings
diffused and confused by a unreality
and an almost total lack of clarity

these thing I'd say to you
the words I'd utter... badly...
the character I chose to type
please don't listen... never hear 'em
don't read them... never see 'em
they're just tiny words from a constricted mind

but, to be fair...

I do love you
but I don't know why
I do need you
but I won't tell, I'd rather lie

I have a strange urge to smell your scent
to inhale you so completely...
to make you the only thing inside my lungs
to replace life with you... for a second... forever
I've wondered what it would feel like
to accept and be accepted
to give and be given
to talk and be heard and hear
would the chatter of mindlessness be... nice?

I wouldn't dare...
to touch such a fragile thing
you're a pathetic little... liar!
she's more than you, stronger in every way
if anything, she'd crush you... with ease
and she'd laugh a warm laugh
smile and assure you death is pretty
and I'd smile back and say
if you say so...

It's almost amusing...
I think I'd do pretty much anything for love
anything except actually accepting love as love
but death for love... sure...

at some point I think I'll need some kind of wings...
or an extremely sturdy bungee-cord...


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 163 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-15 04:30

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen