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self-abuse poetry... I guess... I only got myself to whine about... boo-freaking-hoo...

Creep, scum... twiddling thumb...

I don't believe you exist...
not in any real sense...
You're not human... not alive...
You're a figment of an imagination
an imagination I'll never understand...
You're a liar, a thief and a dirty cheat...
The things you say don't mean anything...
You've got good intent... but that's basically it...
You fuck up life for everyone...
Cause you don't care... you don't even try...
You're all about your own pain...
there is nothing else to care about for you...
Your pain, your dreams and your diseased mind...
You constrict the world, focusing it all on you...
And then you hide from everyone...
And make everyone else take care of the mess...
The fucking mess you and you alone created...
You're scum... no, worse than scum...
You're the little piece of dust underneath a fingernail
a fingernail on the finger of a hand of a microbe living of scum...
You're a useless piece of self-abuse...
And still... you see it... you know every fault you have...
there's nothing wrong, physically wrong with you...
It's all on the inside... your rancid fucking inside...
You're not fit for life... not fit for human-contact...
not fit for a single breath... not fit for words, thoughts or dreams...
You're not fit cause you don't fit...
You don't fit cause you like it on the outside...
Or, at least, you say you do...


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 197 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-05 02:46

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen