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My bright shining

There was a flash
and now nothing is the same
The weather changed
quicker than before
It was a summer day
the sun was shining bright
But the darkness came
and put away the light

I heared her scream
a lot loader than she spoke
I saw my dreams
disappear so fast
She was the one I loved
the one who shone so bright
but it\'s all to late
it put away her light

The pain I felt
was killing me inside
I ran away,
didn\'t want to see
I miss her everyday
My love for her is bright
But the darkness came
and put away my light

So now I\'m just this lonely boy
Who\'s thinking of the past
I wish I could explain to her
my love will always last
She didn\'t even know my name
she didn\'t realize
I will always feel the same
and that is not some lies

Fri vers av Julia S
Läst 168 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-22 17:14

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Julia S
Julia S