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Life & Lies

Have you ever gone to sleep
When you’re so weak
Your knees don’t bare you anymore
And you keep falling on the floor
In your dreams
Keep falling from the door
That keeps you caged
That makes you stay
For seven more undeep breaths
Inside an empty chest
Breakin\' up
And crashing down
Vanity is running through your venes
Forcing you to stay
But you’ll get through
Just find another place
Where you can stay
And live, and write
Where lovers are blind
And eat and drink
Where lovers are cold
And they don’t hold
Too hard your hands
‘cause every heart’s a different land
Sometimes not open to explore
Though you’re not sure
Of what that means
That’s what they tell you
Where you feel strong until you lose
Nothing comes before you choose
I wish there was a way for me to get you there.
No more cousy sleepless nights
In your dreams you’ll survive
every fight
The little warrior in me
I’ve named him “we”
And \"us\", and please don’t trust these words
‘cause I don’t know from where they’re coming
I just hear \'em popping out
Some sort of humming
Stuck on your eardrum
Where you placed it
And I think you somehow stole it from inside of me
Mighty God
Oh may it be
I don’t think so
And you’re for sale now
As I’m taking my first breath
And count to two
(still alive)
I never loved you so
I break a vow and
Hope it
Ever was true.

Fri vers av oktoberbarn
Läst 544 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-04 23:52

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