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En sonnet jag skrev under en poesikurs på LondonMet. Lite teknisk fakta: Shakespearian sonnet: 4 Stanzas, 14 lines 3 quatrains, 1 couplet. (4, 4, 4, 2) Pentameter Rhyme pattern: A, B, A, B, C, D, C, D, E, F, E, F, G, G.

Till death do us part

Whether here or a far and distant land
No matter what I from you have been told
I forever shall chase your lukewarm hand
Even if it meant growing ill and old

Far away, yet forever in my heart
Inside my body – deep inside my soul
The world’s most beautiful woman you are
For this story only today be told

Why do you run, when our life is but here?
Please come back and live – do not stay and die
For all ties, you forever will sever
Otherwise, this surely will be goodbye

Don’t want the ship to pass – don’t want to leave
Want it to crash and burn – then I’ll be free

Fri vers av självdestruktiv
Läst 286 gånger
Publicerad 2007-08-14 17:31

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