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Jag borde skämmas som lägger ut en engelsk text. Men jag kan inte tänka mig den på svenska.. jag bara inte kan det.

Delat hjärta

If you have a broken heart. Don\'t worry babie.
Just come with me, and let me heal you.
I know a way to make broken hearts to feel good.
Maybie you want to know how to fix it babie?
Let me tell you, and then show you the result.
Borrow me half of your heart. Nothing to be afraid of.
Now watch and see, how I take your half heart.
And put it togheter with the half I got.
Instead och having a broken heart, to no ones luck.
You got a heart that has become reborn with love.
I hope you didint mind, I hope you wont hate me.
Cuz I will never let you break this heart we got together now <3

Övriga genrer av Dark soul
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-25 23:12

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Dark soul
Dark soul