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Politically incorrect questioning of human nature

How can we claim to be a truly intelligent spieces
when we keep repeating the mistakes of those who
died fighting?

We say that animals cannot help themselves; that
they cannot purposedly decide between right or
wrong - because \"it\'s in their nature\".

If that is so, then why do we spend so much time
looking towards the past, worshipping the dead,
and repeating their mistakes?

How many times do we have to kill the children of
our neighbour, and how many of our children must
die at the hands of our neighbour, before we stop
and think?

Övriga genrer av joho
Läst 335 gånger
Publicerad 2005-04-17 21:07

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Yes. In spite of all our "improvements", we are forced to keep asking the same questions today as 2000 (and more) years ago, since we have not been capable to find any lastingly satisfactory answer... That doesn't feel very intelligent...
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