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Mother, I miss you so.
Mother, why did you have to go?
Mother, can you tell me what I\'m looking for?
Mother, I\'m swimming, but I can\'t seem to find a shore.

Mother, I love you so.
Mother, it\'s so hard to let you go.
Mother, did I do something wrong?
Mother, why did you have to say \"so long\"?

Mother, can I help you now?
Mother, please tell me how.
Mother, when I think of you dying;
Mother, it feels like I\'m crying.

Mother, I have no tears.
Mother, I have no fears.
Mother, maybe when I get some, they\'ll all turn to tears.

Mother, I have to go now.
Mother I\'ll get back to you somehow.

Fri vers av joho
Läst 415 gånger
Publicerad 2005-04-17 21:09

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