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Funderingar kring \"Dinosauria, We\"

Mr. Bukowski
Maybe we are born into this
Maybe you’re right

But wherever there’s fate
There’s faith
And always, even in the decay –
In the perished alleys of the ghetto in Mumbay –
There is hope

Wherever there’s fate
There’s faith
There’s hope
Even in alleys of decay
Even in gloom and darkness
Even in perished souls

Yes we are
Born to this
Into this

But there always will be
An inkling, a guess
Of something else;

Just look at the night sky

There’s billions of something else

Plato was right, after all.

Maybe there’s a star in the sky
For every child born
Waiting to be their new home
When they die

Fri vers av aberatio
Läst 362 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2007-09-30 01:07

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