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Half the world away

Wherever I go you are on my mind,
you have no idea how hard you were to find.
I love you more with every second i breathe,
if i have you there's nothing more in the world i need.

All I see is when people are rushing through their life,
but we will remain as husband and wife.
The only thing that's important to me is your love,
and our love will be blessed from above.

I pray for that your feelings will never change,
a life without you would be so strange.
I can't say that no one else will love you like i do now,
but I don't wanna live without you 'cause i don't know how.

I must have told you a thousand times before,
but I will tell you every day and forever more
God how I love you and I swear it's true,
the most important thing in life is you.

Oh how I miss you and wish you were here,
then I wouldn't sit and write about you dear.
I would kiss you like you've never been kissed,
in a way that tells you how much you've been missed.

Fri vers av Elin?
Läst 393 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-24 14:00

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  Annika Persson
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