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Inspired my the song "release me" by Oh Laura, 2007

Stockholm Syndrome in my lungs

My heart is struggling 

to keep her plumcoloured face  

above the surface  

of our shattered memories 

Release me

The night licks the swollen belly 

of a snowy moon 

waiting for the dreams 

reaping me of my ignorance, 

I try to breathe 


The dreams where shattered lusts

come to life, footprints over my lungs 

stiffened by their endless beautysleep 

nightmares with a Stockholm Syndrome 

No one there to wake me 

From this sugary overdose 
a morphinekick to push sanity at bay 

as the sun tickles the lip of horizon  

a last prayer 

From my hopes and desires, please   


Release me 

Fri vers av Plumflower
Läst 565 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-19 04:58

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  Michaela Dutius
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