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Exile Exit

The ritual goes; Same old window
different visuals...
The ritual goes; Equal old Indo
different visibles...

The ritual goes;

Picking very rusty locks
to selfsame psychological box's

all stacked up in the chamber
where my mental capacity rocks

...See I Havn't lost faith
but I've misplaced my spirituality

because when the ritual perseus

& the dreams become insufficient
& the purple blood resembles
but through out a river
where spirits won't grow

Then sprightliness will slowly
guide us to separate path's

My Friend...

No matter which direction
our gracious senses
in their most profound lecture's
once desired to go

My Friend...

Fri vers av Zernatiah
Läst 1236 gånger och applåderad av 16 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-19 17:09

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