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lost half my language today... after what I\'ve read I don\'t want to write in swedish... (yes, I see the irony of using english but, it\'s the only other language I know enough to write in...) (... sorry if the wording sounds ridiculous... my mind is als

Thoughts on the modern day so-called morality-mess

sticks and stones may break your bones
but words shall corrupt the youth!


if god would have wanted you to write about sex
he would have made it enjoyable!

hmm... on the other hand

if god would have wanted us to play with ourselves
he would have made it easy to reach!


if god didn\'t want us to play with ourselves
wouldn\'t he have made it harder to reach?

oh, this is a good one...

How come nakedness is a bad thing?
Wasn\'t that part of god\'s plan with the Adam and Eve experiment?
I mean, wouldn\'t it make more sense if clothes were considered evil?
Since, you know, that\'s why A\'n\'E was kicked out... for covering up the goodies.

but, all kidding aside (and I wish I could have written this in swedish)...

I do believe in the power of words
but the power is in the ears of the listener
not in the mouth of the talker.

and as for kids... they\'re not blank papers, if they can read they can think.
and when they don\'t understand or get confused, they ask and you explain.

Please don\'t make kids scared of life...
most things are potentially beautiful if put in the right context.
Banning words doesn\'t make them disappear,
it just makes them seem \"bad\".
And an unexplained \"bad\" just provides a foundation for fear...

... I don\'t know
I guess I just don\'t get it
what are you so afraid of?
it\'s just letters arranged in a certain way...


Övriga genrer av Jonny Larsen
Läst 96 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-27 16:37

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen