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tearing up a nub Boom! In the hands of my peeps
then break out
sell 'em a fix, show 'em a trick
enjoy the rush others
keep hating wonders
it's carrots and sticks
I'm a have 'em adventure whipped
I'm a dealer of extremes
my corner is the church
for those who search
but I don't heal
don't be naive!
you're just on an adventure
because you don't honor reverends of conventions
all fucking nervous, fingers all porous
won't wander out dry, hungry n' sober
so I'm tearing up a nub
down it in my left lung
right one's jabbing air
as my system's getting numb
yeah, I'm 24 still a struggling man
only growing older
ain't rolling nowhere
but as the high kicks off
and I'm no longer spooked
I spray from the heart
that's the real fountain of youth
seen my body of work, you know what I'm about
a big boss in this biz
an embodiment of what extreme is
society is feces, culture neurosis
Bacchus has bitten Me
'cause I forced it
never wanted to cork it
now a sarabande lingers on me
paying it forward to you, my love
who got a patch of acne and gnarly fingers
Bringer of blood and gold . . .
no awareness . . all effect
. . . not the Dog dipping the real thing
but the horny dog dry humping unwilling leg.


Fri vers av Johan Lazer
Läst 468 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-01 13:18

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Johan Lazer