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Planetary Shade

Cruiser in heaven, show the way
Sail among stars, through the Milky Way
Leaving space for my place of birth
Soon we’re home sweet home, oh Earth,

Getting some-

- Planetary Shade,
Planetary Shade…

We get kissed by the sun,
When we make our last run,
Back home to planet earth,
I can feel the wind, the sea and dirt,

Getting some-

-Planetary Shade
Planetary Shade…

We move past the moon in circles,
“We’re home! Please God help us!”
But we look down on world in black,
So, we still here cruise, in lack - of

-Planetary Shade
Planetary Shade…

Fri vers av Henrik Svensson
Läst 197 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-06 01:29

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Henrik Svensson
Henrik Svensson