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Henrik - Kapitel 2

”By the wrath of the gods, I will destroy you!”
The words echoed in the empty void of space as Thor, the god of thunder, rushed through it on his chariot, on his hunt for his golden mead horn, stolen by the giant Svek. He crushed big blocks of ancient moons on his way among the stars, until he found his way to Jotunheim beyond the world.

Dreaming his way into the kingdom of the giants, he encountered the Lonely Journeyman, also known as Henrik. In the dream they walked together, crossing the dangerous paths of the giants.

And there it was, on a granite pillar, high as the highest star on heaven, the mead horn of Thor. But Thor himself could not reach the top, how mighty a god he ever was. But Henrik showed the old god his own ways; “Hear me now!” he said, and out of his mouth came the purest tone of voice that the old god had ever heard.

The ground shook, the trees rattled, even stars fell from the skies when Henrik sung his high pitched song. And then by a chance of a thousand, the pillar shattered, and fell to the ground, crushing the thief beneath it. The horn came flying through the night and was captured by Henrik before falling of the edge of the world.

And in the dream he travelled back to Thor and handed over the mead horn to him. And the joy the old god felt grasping his old “friend”, was without comparison. He was happy.
“Son!” said the old god; ”Where do you hail from?”
“I come from that place that has no name, sire!”
“But, your own then?” asked the god with a wonder in his eyes.
“ I am the Lonely Journeyman, or as the star charters call me; Henrik, The master of home”!”

Thor smiled: “As a god I will always be grateful for what you did here this dream. I will give you a name that will bring you respect beyond the gates of Valhalla, and as a reminder that you were the one that reconquered my mead horn from the giants!”

He thought for a while and then he said; “Jotun- Henrik, The master of Jotunheim!” Henrik bowed and thanked the god for his gift, and then wandered of into the stars, leaving no trace of ever being there.

Thor awoke from his dream, and found the mead horn beside him, and he also found that he now had a powerful ally in Jotun- Henrik! Thor laughed at his reconquered horn, and turned his chariot for home. The mead in Valhalla awaited him…

Prosa (Novell) av Henrik Svensson
Läst 190 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-06 01:39

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Henrik Svensson
Henrik Svensson